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White Coffee -Ground White Coffee Beans Roasted

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  • Vietnamese Grade A high-altitude beans
  • Whole bean coffee / Ground Coffee
  • Smooth, low-acid, chocolate notes
  • Dry air-roasted, vegan, pure coffee
  • Extremely lightly roasted coffee, This 'white coffee' Blend is comprised of 100% Arabica coffee beans
  • It offers a distinct nutty, light bodied, high caffeine coffee experience
  • Hand roasted for just enough time to achieve the desired nutty flavor when brewed. Positively different than traditional dark roasted coffee.
  • Because of shorter roasting times, white coffee beans are much denser than traditional roasted coffee and would likely break an average household grinder. We use a special grinder to produce the desired consistency to maximize the flavor and caffeine of the coffee.
  • While called “white” coffee, the roasted beans are actually a light tan in color and the brewed coffee will have a light brown hue. Non-coffee drinkers will likely find the taste appealing!
  • If used for espresso, we recommend pulling and discarding the first shots (they will pour quickly) and using the second batch of shots for a fuller, smoother tasting flavor.
  • Low Acidity; Bach Coffee has been roasting with low temperatures for longer periods of time since the very beginning. Every coffee roasted at BachCoffee will be low acidity
  • Perfect for cafe sua da, drip coffee, press and espresso



                                       White Coffee Beans and regular coffee beans 


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About this item

  • WHAT IS WHITE COFFEE: White Coffee is coffee beans that have been slow roasted half of the way, it has WAY more caffeine than regular coffee and a very unusual taste that might take some getting used to.
  • HOW ITS MADE: White Coffee is made by roasting coffee beans at a lower temperature and for half of the time that regular coffee is roasted. White Coffee is half-baked! To be more specific, White Coffee is roasted to around 162 Degrees whereas fully roasted coffee is roasted to anywhere from 230 Degrees to 240 Degrees.
  • BENEFITS OF WHITE COFFEE: White Coffee has up 50% more caffeine than fully-roasted coffee. It has a very nutty flavor that blends well with all the same creamers and flavors that fully-roasted coffee does. Some people report that White Coffee has a bolder coffee flavor than black coffee. In addition to the ‘lift’ in caffeine, White Coffee is less acidic and retains more antioxidants.


  •  DRINK THE BEST WHITE COFFEE: Fuel your insane drive with strongest white coffee to make you unstoppable
  • WE'RE SO FRESH: We put the roast date and expiration date on our bags because we believe fresh white coffee matters
  •  465 MG OF CAFFEINE: French Press (Recommended for maximum strength) Add 2 heaped table spoons (30g) of ground coffee to a French Press. Add 6oz of boiling water. Leave to brew for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Slowly press the plunger and never sleep again. (about 4x stronger than a normal black coffee).




                              White Coffee Beans and Regular Coffee Beans 



                                        Ground white Coffee for espresso machine



                                           Colour of espresso ( white coffee)




                                         a Cup of coffee espresso ( white Coffee)


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                                              Cafe sữa đá ( white coffee beans )


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                                                 Cafe sữa đá ( white coffee beans )


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                       Packing : White Coffee Beans ( whole beans or ground coffee)


The Benefits of White Coffee

Beyond being trendy and cool, there are some additional benefits of white coffee.

  • It’s extra strong, so if you’re a fan of getting the most caffeine possible out of your cup, this is for you. You’ll get a little bit of an extra boost. Keyword, little. It’s not a huge difference.
  • Some people say it’s easier on their stomachs.
  • It has a smooth, bright, nutty flavor without bitterness.
  • It’s rich in antioxidants.
  • It looks cool since it’s usually beige or taupe instead of brown or black.


When I first heard of white and black coffee I thought I knew what was up. Isn’t white coffee just a black coffee with milk in it? Wow, I was a mile off, I had no idea.

As it turns out, the difference between white and black coffee is all down to the roast; white or black refers to the bean. A white coffee bean is roasted at a lower temperature for less time; it tastes sweet and light. A black coffee is roasted at higher temperatures for longer; it tastes darker, and more intense, like charcoal.

Black coffee is probably the bean we are more familiar with. White coffee the unique thing we’re talking about here. It’s certainly growing in popularity though.

Knowing this, I guarantee that if your granny offered you a coffee and asked if you want it black or white, she is asking if you want milk in it or not. We’re talking about a niche coffee fan thing here. You’ve got to gauge your audience.

What is The Difference Between White Coffee and Black Coffee?

Roasting Temperatures

As fas as roasting goes a white coffee bean has more just been shown the heat.

Black coffee is what most of us will be more familiar with. It is usually roasted anywhere between 375ºF to 480ºF (190 ºC to 250 ºC).

White coffee is roasted at around a much cooler 325ºF (160 ºC).

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Caffeine Content

The heat of roasting coffee actually breaks down caffeine in the bean. While the more common black coffee will wake you right up, white coffee could give you a caffeine kick right up the ass.

This makes the higher caffeine white beans more appropriate for earlier in the day. A sweet cup of go juice to start your day. Black coffee is probably more suited for the afternoon or onwards to avoid that buzz keeping you up all night!

Some coffee aficionados will say that white coffee can have as much as 50% more caffeine than black coffee beans that number more comes from peoples opinion. When it comes down to it though, it’s really more like a 5% higher caffeine content.


When we talk about acidity in coffee, we are more talking about an aspect of the flavor, rather than its pH. Acidity is a key aspect of all foods nut just coffee. It gives a roundness, a fullness of flavor.

A darker roast will have a lower acidity, and a lighter roast has more acidity. This will contribute toward to sweet fruityness that white coffee is known for.

Taste and Aroma

With a cooler quicker roast, the white bean tastes more like the original unroasted bean itself. It’s light, sweet, fruity and a bit nutty. Whereas the hotter, longer, roast can take the flavor up to the typical dark coffee flavor and beyond toward more burnt charcoal and tobacco flavors.

When it comes down to it, white coffee and black coffee are the extreme ends of the coffee roast spectrum. There is every roast inbetween. Everyone has their favorite. You’ve just got to try them and see which you prefer.

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Health Aspects: Calories and Antioxidants

Coffee and health might not be the first combination that comes to everyones mind.

Fresh brewed coffee without any milk, whether white coffee or black coffee, really doesn’t have many calories. An 8-ounce cup of coffee without milk has about 2 to 3 calories. An Espresso has about 1 calorie.


Milk and sugar however do have calories and they’re often drunk with coffee. Especially with white coffee. While it’s not a huge contribution to your recommended daily amounts it can add up if you’re guzzling cups all day.

One teaspoon of sugar has 20 calories
One dash of semi-skimmed milk, call it 1 ounce (30 ml), has 17 calories
So one small 8 ounce cup of coffee with a dash of milk and two teaspoons of sugar will have about 57 calories. A big 16 ounce mug? 114 calories. It can add up if you’re counting your calories.

Like your coffee black (without milk or sugar in this case) then there’s no need to give calories a second thought.


Coffee is famous for having plenty of antioxidants. Why are antioxidants good? They help protect cells in your body against free radicals. What are free radicals? A free radical is an atom, ion, or molecule which is very reactive; their want to react can cause damage in your body.


Is White Coffee Healthier Than Black Coffee?

As far as I can tell, and I like to read scientific papers, I havn’t found much evidence to think white roasted coffee beans are particularly healthier than black coffee beans. It might have higher levels of antioxidants. If you know something, please tell me all about it in a comment below!

The only certain health aspect between white beans and black beans is their caffeine content. If you’re particularly sensitive to caffeine take it easy with white coffee


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White Coffee FAQs

If you’re new to the concept of white coffee, you’ll naturally have a host of questions that need to be answered before deciding whether it is a route you wish to pursue.

Is white coffee really stronger?

If you have recently seen white coffee advertised as boasting 50% more caffeine, it’ll have undoubtedly piqued your interest – especially as a pre-work morning brew.

Caffeine levels are reduced due to roasting, which means the ultra-low roast of the white coffee will retain a great level of caffeine.

However, the gains are minimal (probably around 5% rather than 50%). Consequently, then, it would be wiser to prioritize the choice of coffee beans instead.

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Is switching to white coffee beneficial for your health?

The modern success of white coffee can largely be attributed to clever marketing strategies that focus on the proposed health benefits. Low roasts increase the chlorogenic acid levels, which can aid the body’s natural defenses against cardiovascular disease while additionally decreasing inflammation thanks to the antioxidant molecule.

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Scientific studies into the benefits show that there is some benefit, but it is minimal and probably doesn’t justify the switch unless you like the taste. Others suggest that the popularity of having white coffee without creamer makes it a good option for weight loss, but the same can be said of any black coffee.

Anyone that suffers from acid reflux will want to add milk to counteract the presence of the higher acidity within the beans.

Does white coffee aid your appearance?

I’ve not seen enough evidence to suggest it definitely does. However, there’s no question that your diet impacts the appearance of your skin, hair, and body image.

A lot of people that switch to white coffee incorporate as part of a health kick. So, even as a placebo, it’s no surprise that many people claim to see benefits as a direct result.

Is white coffee ever fully white?

No. The beans aren’t white prior to roasting, and they do not become white after the roasting or grinding procedures either.

The beige appearance is noticeably lighter than any other black coffee, though, especially in its espresso form.

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When is the best time to have a white coffee?

Given the versatility of white coffee, you could potentially enjoy a beverage whenever fancying a cup of java. In reality, though, most consumers prefer it as their morning brew or afternoon pick-me-up rather than an evening coffee.

The slight caffeine increase is one of the contributing factors, as is the bolder nutty flavor. As with the other key factors, though, it is largely a matter of personal preference.

Is white coffee less addictive?

If you have experienced withdrawal symptoms when no longer drinking black coffee, it’s likely to be due to the acidity. As already covered, the shorter roasting time is shown to have a hugely positive impact on the acidity levels.
In turn, then, it is possible that consumers will avoid those withdrawal symptoms, which is another perceived positive of white coffee.

White Coffee. Final Thoughts about Specialty Coffee

The confusion surrounding the topic of white coffee is understandable. However, rather than being either a coffee with creamer or a special type of coffee bean, it is merely a term that describes the roasting processes during the preparation of the brew.

The result is a pale, nutty flavor, acidic but not bitter white coffee that can be enjoyed in an espresso-based beverage. White coffee drinkers will need to choose the region of beans and presentation to suit their individual preferences, but the versatility makes it an area of specialty coffee drinking that many will wish to explore.

On a personal level, since trying white coffee, it has become a semi-regular treat for me. I’m not going to suggest abandoning your current coffee habits unless there is a genuine reason to do it, but giving a white coffee a try during your next trip to the coffee shop could unlock the door to new opportunities, and if you like it, incorporate it into your home brewing too.



Our coffee drinkers have so many questions about the newest coffee trend; white coffee. We want everyone to know what goes into their cup of white coffee, so we researched on top of all that we already knew to continue to be your one-stop resource for all things coffee. We know that coffee is a passion for many of you, and it most certainly is a passion for us. Some of the questions we’ve been asked are…

Does white coffee have more caffeine than regular coffee?
How to make white coffee?
What makes coffee white?

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What is White Coffee? White Coffee is coffee roasted half of the way through and to a lower temperature. By roasting it to this much lower temperature, you get a whitish colored bean that is higher in caffeine because you roast out less caffeine. This results in a very nutty and sweet taste profile much different from traditional coffee.

We only roast the green beans somewhere in the low 300-degree range. By contrast, a blond roast is around 420 degrees, and a dark roast is in the 465-to-475-degree range. We like to joke that our White Tornado White Coffee is half-baked. 


White coffee comes from the same type of beans that are used in traditionally roasted coffee. Whether it’s a blond roast or a light roast or a medium roast or a dark roast – all of these use the same quality green coffee beans. There are two types of coffee bean varieties – Robusta and Arabica. There are many places where coffee grows, and the micro-climate in each area also leaves its unique fingerprint on the coffee, impacting overall taste after it’s brewed.

Not to be confused with the Malaysian white coffee which is a type of coffee drink made from roasting coffee beans with margarine that is mixed with sweetened condensed milk in a cup to create a delicious, creamy, sweet coffee treat. The white coffee we are describing started in the United States and very recently became a sought-after coffee experience.

The process behind roasting white coffee has been around for at least 50 years. In the past, you could find it here and there but it wasn’t until 2015 that word started to spread that this “other” kind of coffee was perfect for lattes and had a better caffeine kick. Then some studies were done that showed it had more of the healthy antioxidants that were roasted out in the traditional darker roasting process. Sales started to take off, and word of mouth spread quickly. Fast forward to the 2021 explosion in interest, and that is where white coffee came from. The truth is it is not known who tried roasting coffee to such a low temperature first nor why. The important thing is that they did so we can all enjoy a different way to love coffee.



When comparing white coffee vs black coffee, there are several significant differences like roasting temperature, caffeine levels, and flavor. 
Both start with the same green coffee beans but because it is roasted to a lower temperature, white coffee retains up to 50% more caffeine than fully roasted black coffee. It also retains more healthy antioxidants because it is roasted to a much lower temperature. The most distinct difference between white coffee and regular coffee is the taste profile. It is more like a sweet, nutty tea vs the strong coffee flavor we are all used to. It is also a much harder and denser bean than a traditionally roasted coffee. This makes it very difficult to grind on a typical home coffee grinder. Most roasters will sell it primarily as ground coffee for that reason. It is not an exaggeration to say white coffee should be in its own unique category. Its growing popularity can be tied to the fact that it is everything traditionally roasted coffee is and more. More caffeine, more healthy antioxidants, and more get up and go for you.

white coffee does not brew the same as regular coffee in your home brewer; the result looks more translucent. However, if you do a second pour-over, you can get a more dense liquid. We also suggest adding one scoop of regular roasted coffee if you are used to the smokey, deep coffee aroma/flavors.

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To make white coffee at home once you’ve purchased it, we recommend using a home espresso machine. This will yield the strongest results. and give you that nutty tea-like complex flavor.

For roast masters, here is an overview of making white coffee with a commercial roasting machine: white coffee is different than roasting traditional darker coffee because the goal is different. When roasting coffee, so many of the complex chemical reactions take place between 420 and 465 degrees. The goal for each different roast is to coax along the process and, in the end, stop the process right when the flavor profile is where you want it to be. Many philosophies and techniques go into roasting traditional darker coffee; you could fill a large book. Since it is roasted to a much lower temperature, many of those chemical dances never get a chance to happen. The goal is to slowly bring it to the desired temperature, so the nutty essence comes through, and the sweetness is just in the background. It is a relatively new art at that. So – How do you make it? Slowly and with an artisan’s love.

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The short answer is yes; white coffee has up to 50% more caffeine than regular coffee. The reason for this is that for black coffee more caffeine gets roasted out during the roasting process. As with all coffee, the amount of caffeine in a cup can vary significantly depending on how much coffee you use and the method you use to brew it. The brewing method with the highest amount of caffeine per ounce is white espresso, and the brewing method with the lowest amount of caffeine per ounce is the traditional flat bottom drip brewing method. But again, the bottom line is white coffee has up to 50% more caffeine content than black coffee so buckle up when you have a cup!



When looking at the benefits of white coffee, the two most obvious ones are the higher caffeine levels and more of the healthy antioxidants that green coffee naturally has. It has up 50% more caffeine than fully-roasted coffee. It has a nutty flavor that blends well with all the same creamers and flavors that fully roasted coffee does. In addition to the ‘lift’ in caffeine, white coffee is less acidic and therefore better for your stomach and digestive system than traditionally roasted black coffee is. Coffee becomes acidic during the roasting process, and because white coffee is roasted halfway, it doesn’t develop the acidic taste that can be associated with traditionally roasted black coffee. Green coffee is very high in Chlorogenic acid. As coffee is roasted, much like the caffeine, Chlorogenic acid is slowly burnt off. Since white coffee is roasted to a much lower temperature, it holds onto the Chlorogenic acid, which is known to be a powerful antioxidant. Chlorogenic acid has been known to reduce the risk of diabetes, reduce blood pressure, and stimulate weight loss. We recommend that you research the health benefits of white coffee and green coffee.



White coffee does not brew the same as regular coffee in your home brewer; the result looks more translucent. However, if you do a second pour-over, you can get a more dense liquid. We also suggest adding one scoop of regular roasted coffee if you are used to the smokey, deep coffee aroma/flavors. Brewing depends on the type of coffee machine or home brewer you have. We wrote an extensive blog on how to brew white coffee.


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