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The best decaf coffees for serious flavour without the buzz


There are lots of reasons why some people can’t or don’t drink caffeine. However, for a long time, the caffeine-free population has suffered awful decaf beverages – but no longer. The new wave of decaf coffees tastes just as good as the caffeinated stuff, without the heart palps.

Pregnant people and those who are breastfeeding are advised to limit their caffeine intake. Others might not have caffeine for other medical reasons. And there are some who are hypersensitive to caffeine. Symptoms for sufferers include headaches, jitters, racing heartbeat and anxiety. If those sound familiar, particularly after you’ve had a cup of coffee, it might be time to think about switching to decaf.

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Decaf coffee is made from the same beans as regular coffee, but they go through an extra process to remove the caffeine. There are five different methods to remove caffeine: direct solvent, indirect solvent, Swiss water, sugarcane and carbon dioxide processes. The first two use chemicals to remove caffeine. The Swiss or mountain water process sees beans steamed and then soaked, filtered through charcoal and then dried. As for the sugarcane process, this method uses a natural chemical from sugarcane to treat the beans – it removes caffeine and provides a sweeter taste. The final method – carbon dioxide – involves soaking the beans and then blasting them with CO2.

Most coffee brands use one of the latter three processes, and pretty much every coffee brand has now got in on the decaf act. Whatever your favourite coffee, you’re pretty sure to find a decaf alternative. Finding the right one for you is ultimately a matter of taste. Although most of the caffeine has been removed, it’s worth noting that a very small amount of caffeine does still remain – there will be different levels in different coffees.

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How we tested

We spent a month testing the best decaf coffees on the market. As a decaf-only household, we are well versed in the decaf coffee world. However, we wanted a wider take, so we hosted a coffee-tasting session for die-hard coffee fans. We’d say we’ve probably made about 100 cups of decaf coffee to find the best.

Aside from the instant coffee, we used the same device – an aeropress – when making all the coffees, and carried out the same process, using water at the same temperature, each time. We even used timers for brewing. Our GCSE science teachers would be so proud. What we were looking for was a nice taste, ultimately. Something that didn’t sacrifice the flavour along with the caffeine. Of course, everything is subjective, so we’ve accounted for this in our round-up. Here are the ones you’ll want to wake up and smell (and taste) in the morning.

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When we were testing this coffee, everyone who tried it let out a “mmm” sound – even those who are coffee aficionados. Because of this huge seal of approval, we’ve made it our best decaf coffee overall. The medium roast produces a mid-bodied coffee, that’s perfect to drink at any time of day. Yet it doesn’t lack flavour, with a rich spiced chocolate taste. We reckon you’d be able to pass off this decaf coffee as the caffeinated stuff, on flavour at least. While it’s not about packaging, we also enjoyed Bach’s brightly coloured bags and the tasting note card that came with it. BachCoffee offers whole bean or ground for cafetiere, espresso or filter/aeropress.