Let’s zoom in on 8 differences between two species of coffee.
1. Taste
The most common and widely known feature. The taste of Arabica coffee has a wider range. Their range in taste between fruity to bitter. It has higher acidity. It is generally sweeter than Robusta coffee. The smells are close to blueberries.
Furthermore, the taste range of Robusta coffee bean is between neutral to harsh. It contains less sugar. It provides bland crema, lower acidity than Arabica.
2. Production Conditions
For having the Arabica coffee benefits, it needs a cool climate, ample amount of moisture. It demands proper sunshine with sunshade. But it can be easily attacked by various pests and highly sophisticated in terms of bad handling. Moreover, it must be grown at a higher place above 600 to 2000 meters. Brazil is the largest producer of it.
On the other hand, Robusta coffee is popular due to its easy maintenance. It is cultivated widely and produces more crops per acre at a lower price. It grows at lower spaces of 200 to 800 meters. In addition, it is less risky about pest control and rough handling. Vietnam is the largest producer of it.
3. Economics
According to supply, demand, and trade in the last 150 years, it has determined that Arabica coffee bean is much more superior to Robusta coffee bean. Arabica coffee bean has the highest quality blends as well as expensive.
But it does not mean that Robusta coffee bean is not good enough.
For instance, in Italy, home of espresso, Robusta is widely used. Because peoples are affectionate for their strength and crema. Many coffee shops contain a large portion of Robusta coffee. So, in the commodity market, the price of Robusta is almost half of the Arabica.
4. Looks
Arabica beans are oval in shape and larger in size. It is pronounced center folding. Again the height of Arabica trees is 3-4 meter long (10-14 ft).
On the other hand, Robusta beans are polar in size and smaller too. Robusta coffee tree is larger than Arabica coffee tree. It grows up to 10-12m (33-40 ft) in height. Moreover, the productions of Robusta beans are bigger than the Arabica.
5. Chemistry and flavor
At first, we know that coffee beans have various components such as acids, sugar, oil and so on. Both types of coffee beans have differences in the ratio. For instance, Arabica contains oils about 15% to 17% which is higher than Robusta. Besides this, other components like sugar are available in 6-9%. That makes Arabica sweeter.
On the other hand, Robusta has less percentage of oil which is about 10-12% as well as sugar level is 3-7%. But it does not mean that Robusta coffee is not perfect. It has some specialties too. It has approximately double the number of chlorogenic acids and makes itself stronger tastes like cappuccinos. A mug of cappuccino can give you a good kick in your daily morning.
6. Characteristics
Both coffee beans have some individual characteristics. According to Arabica beans, it is more sophisticated in character. These beans are very low resistance to weather and can be affected by germs easily. Besides this, the process of cultivation is more specific.
In contrast, Robusta beans have high resistance to weather. The immune system is also high. In addition, it requires less cultivation process.
7. Caffeine content
In caffeine content, there is a big difference between Arabica coffee bean and Robusta coffee beans.
Arabica coffee beans contain less caffeine compared to Robusta coffee beans. In a study, it has found that Robusta coffee has double the amount of caffeine (1.7%-4%). Furthermore, in an experiment, there is 140-200 mg caffeine exist 6-ounce average cup. Whereas, for Arabica coffee beans, it is only 75-130 gram.
8. Roasting
The roasting process plays an important role in getting the right flavor of coffee. The type of roast depends on the temperature absorption capacity of the coffee bean.
So after the roasting process, the difference between Arabica and Robusta becomes clear. After roasting, Robusta beans tend to be more circular-shaped than Arabica beans.
After roasting, the caffeine, lipid, and sugar contents of Arabica and Robusta are also exceptions.